Meet Matilda…
Matilda is a sheep. We went on a wild “sheep” chase to find her. We followed a group of our African friends through the town of Roquetas, then through tons of green houses, down a really bumpy road, around and around a round about, back down the same bumpy road, until we came to a sort of warehouse/barn that was filled with sheep and goats. We bought two from a man from Mauritania. The kids decided to name them Crazy Ann and Matilda. The sheep were none to happy to be tied up and riding in the back of our “veggie vehicle.” We had prepared a pen for them at the home of some of our new African friends who live amongst the green houses located just behind Megan’s school. When we released the sheep into their new pen, the children thought they were so happy to be in their new home, but maybe they were just relieved to be untied and out of the “veggie-vehicle.” These sheep are a part of a new project to help to feed the immigrant families in our area. Megan, Cade and Dylan understand this concept as we once visited a family who had a sheep in their yard and later when we were eating some barbeque, Cade asked, “Where is the sheep that was here in the yard?”
“You’re eating it.” No problem.

Kadi’s Bags
Kadi is from Senegal. She has two little boys. Mohammed is 3 and Papi is 2. She is expecting another little boy in September. She and her husband have lived in Spain for several years. He fell from a construction job site and seriously hurt his leg, so he is unable to work at this time. Kadi has been looking for work for as long as I have known her. She sells bags from Senegal and other trinkets on the beach to make ends meet. We decided to try to sell some of Kadi’s bags at the mission marketplace this summer in the United States. When the folks who are in charge of the marketplace saw the bags, they asked us to send more to sell at another market in November. When we arrived at the mission marketplace this summer we brought the extra bags. The next day as I turned the corner to visit the spot where the bags were being sold, I couldn’t believe it – they were nearly gone – even the ones for November! When I visited Kadi, I said to her, “Remember that we were praying that God would help you find work, He has answered our prayer. We need to buy all of the bags that you have left.” Kadi is going to call her mother in Senegal and request more bags as well.

Prayer Update:
- Thank you for praying for our family during all of our surgeries. Everything went relatively well and we are glad to be back in Spain.
- This month Megan will go back to school. She will have a new teacher. Please pray for Megan and her new teacher as they begin the school year.
- We are involved in a couple of new projects. Please pray for the “mi casa es tu casa” project as we begin to find a location for ministry use. Please pray for our new sheep project as we are looking for culturally relevant ways to help feed the immigrant community here in southern Spain.
- Please pray for the three new African babies that will be born this month. We (and their families) are anxiously awaiting their precious arrival.
- Please pray for Maria del Mar, she was born 5 weeks early and is in the hospital in El Ejido. Please pray for her family as well. Her father is still looking for work and a good place for his family to live.