Monday, July 16, 2018

Celebrate Freedom!

Bastille Day Celebration, Lyon, France –
Image taken from:

          The national day of France, called Bastille Day, is celebrated on July 14th across France with fireworks.  On July the 4th we shared a story about celebrating freedom.  We are continuing to celebrate freedom internationally; on July 11th we received confirmation that the authorities have worked together to break up a trafficking ring involving the arrest of 10 controllers working in Bulgaria, Germany, and France.  Because of this intervention, some of our friends have been set free!  What an incredible joy it is to pray and watch God answer in such a mighty way.  “For to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us!” Ephesians 3:20

Open Doors...

Recently Tiffne was asked to serve on the European Baptist Federation’s Anti-Trafficking working group.  This opportunity is opening many doors for networking and building a prayer network across Europe in hopes of overcoming human trafficking.  Through this and other networks we are able to connect people working in this area for prayer and to help the victims of human trafficking.  For example, we are working with groups in Romania and Bulgaria so that each time a lady-in-waiting expresses the desire to return home, we can give her the contact information of people in her own country who will encourage her and help her.  We are building a network across many countries and nationalities including, Germany, France, Switzerland, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, the Netherlands, Spain, and the United States.

The European Baptist Federation’s Anti-Trafficking working group met in Bucharest Romania the first week of April, 2018 to visit with pastors, students, churches, and NGO’s.   God did amazing things during our visit.  He opened doors for us to visit the Romanian parliament, have great discussions with pastors and social work students, and visit a church and school ministry.  God also opened doors for us to visit in two secure homes for victims of human trafficking.  What a privilege it was to be invited into these homes to meet the directors, volunteers, and ladies who reside there.  As a team we learned many things from these visits.  The directors, volunteers, and especially the ladies touched our hearts with their stories of courage, hope, and faith in an overcoming God.  It was such an encouragement to meet these people who are working together to overcome human trafficking.
Please pray that God will continue to open doors so that victims of human trafficking might be set free to live a new life in Christ.

“Lynda’s” story…
The first time we met “Lynda” she asked if we would be willing to come and do a Bible study with her.  So every other week we brought our camping chairs and Bible studies in Bulgarian, French, and English to share some time with her.  During these times together she asked about eternal life.  She also talked about starting a new life now, by returning home and finding a different job.  We were able to connect her with a Christian friend of ours in her home country who is looking forward to welcoming her next month when she returns home.  Please pray for her as she returns home to start a new life in every way.

A Taste of Home!

Being away from home can be difficult.  Being away from home due to war, famine, or just the search of a better life for the next generation can be devastating.  In Strasbourg, France, there are hundreds of individuals who are away from home because they have been tricked, trapped, or trafficked into circumstances where they find themselves being sexually exploited. 
Generally understanding the circumstances of those we meet on the streets is just the first step in combating the exploitation of these individuals.  Knowing them personally, where they come from, and their story is critical to developing lasting relationships of trust that foster the healing process.  As part of our missional journey to develop resources, networks, and ministries to effectively minister to the Ladies-in-Waiting of Strasbourg, we attended a conference focused on the holistic approach to trauma care in Bulgaria.  While there, we were able to more fully understand the Bulgarian culture and mindset that helps shape the reasoning process of women trapped in jobs that are exploiting them sexually. 

One of the little ministries that are commonplace for the Ladies-in-Waiting outreach teams is to offer small gifts when talking to the women on the street.  Often times it is simply a cup of hot coffee or cold drink, some chocolate, or even some simple fragrant lotions.  While in Bulgaria, we had the opportunity to learn of little things that are unique to that country.  Rose oil and a specific type of Bulgarian chocolate were two small items we were able to purchase while walking through the street markets.  What a privilege it was to offer these remembrances of home to the women from Bulgaria we know on the streets of Strasbourg.  It is not often that someone considers them a friend or takes the time and effort to go out of their way to make them feel special.  The small gifts that reminded the ladies of “home” did just that.  Building beloved community does not always take large amounts of resources; sometimes it just takes time, a willing heart, and something special from home!

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Let Freedom Ring!

Today is July 4th.  A regular Wednesday in most of the world, but in America it is a day symbolizing independence: freedom.   I am celebrating today in Strasbourg, France.  A country that does not see this day as a holiday, but today I am celebrating freedom!  I am celebrating freedom for victims of human trafficking; for our “ladies-in-waiting” who have been working on the streets of Strasbourg, but are today beginning to see a road to freedom.  Just a few weeks ago, while visiting our friends
on the street we learned about a fight that four of them were involved in and we heard that the police were called.  We also saw some of our ladies talking with what we believed were their controllers on the street.   At that point we began praying and asking others to pray that God would use this negative situation to bring about freedom for these ladies.  Just yesterday we learned that God is answering our prayers.  The police are continuing to be involved, trying to stop the trafficking and to help the ladies get home.  Some of our friends are leaving this job and going home to find a new life.  Please pray that they will also find new life in Christ.  “If the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed!”  John 8:6  Let Freedom Ring!
                Happy 4th of July from the Whitley Family