Monday, November 16, 2020

November Update

Tiffne serves in a home for victims of human trafficking.  Each morning during their group devotional time each lady shares what she is grateful for.  On one particular morning one lady said, “I am grateful for a safe place to wake up each morning.”  We have begun this practice during our family devotionals as well; learning to be mindful of the things that we are grateful for year round.  During this time of year we are especially thankful…

-We are thankful for Joel’s new job.

-We are thankful that Megan is enjoying college and dance and will be dancing in the Nutcracker.

-We are thankful that the boys are adjusting to school in Texas, enjoying football, the Texas High School Bass Fishing Association tournaments, and looking forward to baseball.

-We are thankful to be in Texas to see family and friends again; especially during this time as our extended family is experiencing health issues.

-We are thankful for the ministry opportunities that God is providing here in Texas, as well as in Germany and Europe (virtually).   Acts 1:8b “and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

We are so thankful for you prayers and support over the years!

Prayer Requests…

Please pray for Tiff’s mom as she continues to face health challenges.  Please also pray for Tiff’s dad and nephew who have COVID, and for Joel’s grandmother, our GG, who is in the hospital and not doing well.

 Please pray for the ladies in the safe house here in the United States.

 Please pray for the new safe house soon to open in Germany.

 Please pray for the European Baptist Federation’s anti-trafficking Global Prayer Summit this November 18th.

We hope you have a very
Happy Thanksgiving,

 Tiffne, Joel, Megan, Cade, and Dylan



Saturday, May 23, 2020

Banana Boat Update - May 2020

What’s been happening…
Global prayer summit – The European Baptist Federation’s anti trafficking working group hosted a Global Prayer Summit in which people from all over Europe and the United States gathered together to pray for anti-trafficking ministries.  It was awesome to hear prayers in 7 different languages.

Prayer walking in France, Germany, and at the beautiful park on the French and German border.
Kilos of Care for Kainos during Corona
 Lily project – We have been delivering groceries and new clothes during the Corona crisis

It has been 2 and ½ years since we have been home on furlough, so it is that time again…  We are looking forward to coming home to Texas again to see family and friends.  This furlough will look a little different: Megan will be attending college in Texas, changes with COVID, and Joel will be working in the same job, but in Texas.  So this will be an extended furlough for us, allowing us to be in Texas longer this time.  Tiffne has been asked to continue her work with the anti-trafficking ministries here in Europe virtually.  She will continue as the European Baptist Federation’s Anti Trafficking working group Coordinator, and serving with Kainos in Germany.  She is also looking forward to getting involved in anti-trafficking and other ministry in Texas as well as possibly taking courses in Seminary.  We will also continue to seek God’s will for MissionsTogether and where God will lead us in the future.  We continue to be so thankful for your financial and prayer support.  Thank you so much for partnering with us.  We have seen God do amazing things through prayer!  Eph. 3:20, “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us!”

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

April 2020

Speaking at a women’s conference at the Baptist Seminary in Madrid, Spain

Outreach/prayer walking team meeting in the park on the border of Germany and France

 Prayer walking the red light district in Frankfurt, Germany; one of the largest in the world


Speaking at an international women’s Bible study in Strasbourg 

The Whitley’s are doing well in Germany amid the COVID-19 shutdown.  Europe is facing many challenges…our friends in France can’t leave their homes without an official document.  In Spanish, the word corona means crown.  Our friends from Spain are saying, “The crown belongs to God, not to the virus!”

Thank you for continuing to pray for us. 

Please pray for Joel as he serves with a team responding to the COVID-19 virus.

Please pray for our Global Prayer Summit with the European Baptist Federation’s anti-trafficking working group.  We will be meeting online to pray with people from all over Europe on April 13th.

We are praying for you all as well.