Tuesday, April 7, 2020

April 2020

Speaking at a women’s conference at the Baptist Seminary in Madrid, Spain

Outreach/prayer walking team meeting in the park on the border of Germany and France

 Prayer walking the red light district in Frankfurt, Germany; one of the largest in the world


Speaking at an international women’s Bible study in Strasbourg 

The Whitley’s are doing well in Germany amid the COVID-19 shutdown.  Europe is facing many challenges…our friends in France can’t leave their homes without an official document.  In Spanish, the word corona means crown.  Our friends from Spain are saying, “The crown belongs to God, not to the virus!”

Thank you for continuing to pray for us. 

Please pray for Joel as he serves with a team responding to the COVID-19 virus.

Please pray for our Global Prayer Summit with the European Baptist Federation’s anti-trafficking working group.  We will be meeting online to pray with people from all over Europe on April 13th.

We are praying for you all as well.