Family update: Joel continues to enjoy his job and supporting all our family activities. Megan is excelling in her pre-med program in college. She continues to dance and enjoys all her ballet activities; teaching, directing a nutcracker, and performing professionally in two Nutcracker shows. Cade and Dylan enjoyed baseball last spring and just completed the first half of their senior year where they played football and competed on the High School Bass Fishing team. Joel also really enjoys being the boat captain and fishing with them during their tournaments.

Ministry update: Tiffne continues to serve as a
Texas Baptist Missionary, an advocate for victims of human trafficking, and through
service with various safe houses. She
even had the opportunity to fly in a very small prop plane where she accompanied
a lady to a safe house in a different state.
She recently became certified for Equine Assisted Learning and enjoys
working with the horses and the ladies to facilitate healing and restoration in
our newly opened HADTs Equine Assisted Learning Center.
Merry Christmas from the Whitley Family