Banana Boat Update
May 2017
Tiffne and Joel Whitley Strasbourg,
On June 10th our Action Quartier group is inviting the children from the immigrant
neighborhood to the grounds of the French Baptist Church for a “block
party.” Please be praying as we continue
to build relationships with our neighborhood friends.
Molly’s Story
The first time we met
“Molly” she told us how the police often stop by to ask to see her papers to
make sure that she is old enough to be working on the streets. It is legal for ladies to work on the streets
in France, but they must be at least 18 years old. Molly is 18, but she looks much younger. We have been visiting with Molly for many
months now. She has told us how she has
had to call the police when clients are dangerous. One has threatened to kill her on several
occasions. We have also assisted her
with contacting the police for her protection.
Molly keeps her passport in her
boot to protect it from men who have tried to take it from her. Many traffickers take the passports or
identity documents of their victims in order to keep them under their

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