Monday, July 16, 2018

Open Doors...

Recently Tiffne was asked to serve on the European Baptist Federation’s Anti-Trafficking working group.  This opportunity is opening many doors for networking and building a prayer network across Europe in hopes of overcoming human trafficking.  Through this and other networks we are able to connect people working in this area for prayer and to help the victims of human trafficking.  For example, we are working with groups in Romania and Bulgaria so that each time a lady-in-waiting expresses the desire to return home, we can give her the contact information of people in her own country who will encourage her and help her.  We are building a network across many countries and nationalities including, Germany, France, Switzerland, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, the Netherlands, Spain, and the United States.

The European Baptist Federation’s Anti-Trafficking working group met in Bucharest Romania the first week of April, 2018 to visit with pastors, students, churches, and NGO’s.   God did amazing things during our visit.  He opened doors for us to visit the Romanian parliament, have great discussions with pastors and social work students, and visit a church and school ministry.  God also opened doors for us to visit in two secure homes for victims of human trafficking.  What a privilege it was to be invited into these homes to meet the directors, volunteers, and ladies who reside there.  As a team we learned many things from these visits.  The directors, volunteers, and especially the ladies touched our hearts with their stories of courage, hope, and faith in an overcoming God.  It was such an encouragement to meet these people who are working together to overcome human trafficking.
Please pray that God will continue to open doors so that victims of human trafficking might be set free to live a new life in Christ.

“Lynda’s” story…
The first time we met “Lynda” she asked if we would be willing to come and do a Bible study with her.  So every other week we brought our camping chairs and Bible studies in Bulgarian, French, and English to share some time with her.  During these times together she asked about eternal life.  She also talked about starting a new life now, by returning home and finding a different job.  We were able to connect her with a Christian friend of ours in her home country who is looking forward to welcoming her next month when she returns home.  Please pray for her as she returns home to start a new life in every way.

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