Monday, September 2, 2024

Banana Boat Blog - September 2024

    The Whitley family has been busy with missions and ministry. We continue to work with Kainos International to serve victims of human trafficking through advocacy and equine assisted learning here in Texas, and doing online outreaches in Texas and Germany.

 Our daughter took a medical mission trip to Southeast Asia. One son went on a well-digging trip to Africa. The other son and T. went as leaders to youth camp.  

We also spent some time down on the border, sorting clothes and food and then we went across the border into Mexico to deliver supplies to a safe house and immigrant camps.  We delivered backpacks and other supplies to a lady who works with neighborhood children in Mexico, and had the opportunity to work with a safe house to help rescue a woman who was a victim of human trafficking. Thank you for continuing to pray for us and the ongoing efforts in Mexico, Texas, and Germany.

We are so thankful for God’s blessings and opportunities to serve. Thank you so much for partnering with us through prayer and finances.

Real Cowboy Fun

 One of our greatest joys at HADTs Equine Assisted Learning Center is providing a window of joy to survivors of human trafficking. Recently we had a lady and her 10-year-old son visit us at the horse property.  They both enjoyed brushing and leading the horses.   Then the mom showed her son how she could ride. He was amazed that she could do it "all by herself."  When it was his turn to ride, as our ranch hands lead the horse around the arena, he continued to yell "Yee how!" His version of the good old Texas "Yee haw?"  Then he said, "I think I can do this by myself." So, our ranch assistants released the lead rope but stayed right with the horse, as the young man rode "on his own."  Once he dismounted, we asked if he would like to wear our cowboy hat. When he tried it on, he said, "I'm a real cowboy now!" 

 Now, that is good cowboy fun!

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