Friday, December 30, 2016

Ladies-in-Waiting Ministry

Jillian’s* story

On our last blog we mentioned our new lady-in-waiting friend, Jillian.  When we first met Jillian she told us she “didn’t have a friend.”  We were very touched by this and began looking for her each time we went out so that we could build a friendship with her, but for several weeks we did not see her at her regular spot.  Then one night we met another lady and she said, “Jillian is around the corner and she wants to see you, Tiffne.”  So we quickly went to see her.  We were so excited to have found her again.  She told us that night that she would like to find other work and stop working on the streets.  So we have begun working with her and another lady to work through this process together.  One day when we met together I asked her how she arrived in Europe and she told us her story of leaving her country in Africa and walking across the Sahara desert for about month, until she reached Morocco.  In Morocco she finally got on a boat and headed to Spain.  After the approximate 3 day perilous journey across the ocean in a small boat with many people in which she said they had no food or water, they were rescued and landed in Algeciras, Spain.  Jillian lived in Spain several years before traveling to France to try to find work when there was no more work in Spain.

We hear many stories similar to Jillian’s story.  Thank you for praying for us as we reach out to immigrants in France.  

Please pray for the ladies-in-waiting ministry.  
Please pray for several ladies who want to find different work.  
Please pray for the ministry teams as we seek to work with these ladies to find solutions that will lead to a new life.                                   *Not her real name

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