Friday, December 30, 2016

Missions Together with Unique…
Engaging Youth on Mission in their Community and Beyond!

Unique is an international youth group made up of various churches in the Strasbourg area.  In November we sent off balloons with a note of thanksgiving with a website where the people who receive them can respond with their own note of thanksgiving.  We also began preparing gift bags for prisoners.  Our co-workers in Paris will give out over one thousand Christmas gift bags to prisoners this year.  Unique prepared one hundred bags to send to prisoners in the Paris area.  The Unique teenagers also prepared Christmas gift bags to give to ladies-in-waiting through the ministry here in Strasbourg.  The ladies-in-waiting ministry outreach team visited ladies on the street and gave them the gift bags along with the Christmas story in their own language.  We love watching God do missions together through Unique, Ladies-in-waiting, and the prison ministry!

Christmas bag prep
for Ladies-in-Waiting
Attaching messages
of Thanksgiving to the balloons
Youth putting together the prisoner’s Christmas bags.

Here is a YouTube link to a video created by one of the youth from our very first UNIQUE youth group meeting.

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